











The Department of Information Systems aims to produce Bachelors of Information Systems (S.Kom) who have an understanding of theories and methods in the field of IS, professionalism, and integrity, as well as Islamic ethics and attitudes so that they are able to analyze and solve various problems in the IS field that are beneficial for improving the quality of life. The Information Systems Study Program focuses on developing competencies in the field of Information Systems, especially GIS, Corporate and Sharia Business. This is in line with the vision of a superior Information Systems Study Program nationally and internationally, which is able to create information systems graduates who are professional, knowledgeable, faithful and devoted to create a civil society.


Laboratorium Bidang Teknik Informasi dan Sistem Informasi bertanggung jawab untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Laboratorium Bidang Teknik Informasi dan Sistem Informasi menempati gedung PLT lantai 5 dan 6, serta ruang 201 gedung Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi. Laboratorium Bidang Teknik Informasi dan Sistem Informasi terdiri atas 9 Laboratorium, 2 studio, dan 2 workshop.

Tugas pokok Laboratorium Bidang Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi adalah menyelenggarakan kegiatan praktikum, penelitian dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, khususnya bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi.
Laboratorium Bidang Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi memiliki dua jenis laboratorium utama, yaitu:
Laboratorium Teknologi Informasi terdiri dari Lab Jaringan Komputer, Lab Aplikasi dan Simulasi Komputer, Lab Pemrograman dan Basis Data, Lab Multimedia dan GIS, Studio GIS, Studio Multimedia, dan Workshop Komputer.
Laboratorium Elektronika Telekomunikasi terdiri dari Laboratorium Elektronika Dasar, Lab. Pengukuran dan Konversi Energi Lab. Telekomunikasi, Lab Digital Microprocessor, Lab PLC, dan Workshop Elektronika. Laboratorium ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas Trainer dan peralatan pengujian/pengukuran seperti osiloskop, multimeter digital dan analog, Spectrum Analyzer, Logic Analyzer, Frequency Counter, dan lain-lain.

Jasa / Pelayanan ICT yang diberikan:
Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Training dan Sertifikasi
Layout Desain (Logo, Brosur, Flyer, Baleho, dll.)
Capture, Shooting, Editing, Rendering, Packaging
Website, Multimedia Interaktif, dan Animasi 3D,  KIOSK (Layar Sentuh)
Profil Video Multimedia
CISCO, Sun Java, ADOBE, dll

Information System
Faculty Science and Technology
University Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University
Year of establishment 2002
Decree number DJ.II/216/2002
Date of the Decree 11 JULI 2002
Accreditation Board BAN PT (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education)
Accreditation Degree A ( score:  366 )
Accreditation Decree Number 3162/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2017
Expire Date of Accreditation 05 September 2021
Address  Ir. H. Juanda Street, No. 95 Ciputat Tangerang Selatan
Telephone Number 021-7493606
E-mail sistem.informasi@uinjkt.ac.id
Website Si.fst.uinjkt.ac.id
Code of Department 57201
Graduate title Bachelor of Computer Science (S.Kom)
(Bachelor in Information System)
The program duration 4 years
Number of Semester 8 Semesters
Drop Out End of the 14th semester
Total amount of the credits 160 credits
Language Indonesian and English Language
Requirement Science
Head of Department A’ang Subiyakto, M.Kom, Ph.D
Academic Staff 27
Vision To become a leading and recognized department for graduating a professional in information systems imbued with the scientific, Islamic and Indonesian values and ethics.
  1. Organizing education programs in the field of Information Systems based on the scientific, Islamic and Indonesian values and ethics;
  2. Organizing research and development in the field of Information Systems by integrating the scientific, Islamic and Indonesian values and ethics;
  3. Contribute to improving the quality of human life through the development of Information System applications.
Expected Learning Outcome 1. Graduates have ethics, professionalism, integrity, piety, honesty, and responsibility;
2. Graduates have basic knowledge of IS science that is integrated with Islamic and Indonesian values;
3. Graduates have the ability to plan, analyze, design, implement, and develop IS into organizational business processes;
4. Graduates have leadership skills, teamwork, communication, innovation, and technopreneurship.
Admission requirements to the programme High School Graduates (SLA), or equivalent
Passing the national (SNMPTN or SBMPTN) or university entrance test.
Annual Student Intake 120 students per year
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies Teaching strategies generally apply student centred learning with a focus on making students more active in thinking critically and in problem-solving.
Assessment strategies focuses on the fulfilling of the ELOs using various assessment methods such as assignments, exams, class discussion, individual or group presentation, and quizzes.
Credit Hours 160 credit
Study Mode Full Time
Study Duration 4 Years (8 Semesters), Maximum: 6 Years (12 Semesters)
Additional Course Rules 8 credit hours of elective courses provided
Drop Out Rule A minimum of 48 credits must be passed by the 2nd year within 4 semesters and must not exceed 6 years of study
Subject Benchmark APTIKOM, AISINDO, IS Curriculla
Graduate Profiles graduates haves knowledge and understanding and are able to apply information systems sciences related to Application Development, Enterprise Architecture, Business Analysis and Project Management by integrating scientific and Islamic principles
Job Opportunities Application Developer
Enterprise Architecture
Business Analyst
Project Manager